Build a Workbench - Your Design!
Unlike most workbench plans you’ll find on the Web, my EZ Workbench Plans let you custom-design a workstation in just about any size or shape you can imagine. That’s good news for those of us who have limited space to work in (who doesn’t?). The simple worksheets in this plan make the process of designing a bench quick, easy, and most important of all, accurate!

Tough, Durable, and Easy to Build!
Building a workbench from scratch might seem a little scary at first, especially for the DIY newbie. Not to worry—the simple design of this bench makes it a perfect project for anyone who has a couple power tools and a way to get some 2x4s home. My easy-to-follow plans take you step by step through each stage of construction. I've also included my favorite shop tips and tricks to help make your workbench project a success!

23-page PDF ebook includes easy, step-by-step plans for designing a 2x4 workbench for your shop